Countless ships sail the sea and rivers every day to transport a wide variety of goods. Many ships would not be able to depart without lashing & securing, because a ship is constantly in motion and so cargo can shift, resulting in damage. In addition, without lashing & securing, the stability of a ship cannot be guaranteed, also due to shifting cargo. Bode Packaging’s lashing & securing specialists make safe transport by ship possible by applying all available techniques. We are happy to tell you which techniques were applied in this project.
Cargo secured on customer premises
Projects on board ships logically take place on site of the ship at all times. On this ship, round and hexagonal tubes had to be secured. These tubes are used for the construction of a new port. Among other things, the tubes can be used as mooring posts, to which ships can moor and unmoor. The length and number of the tubes ensure that the load is of large size. Altogether, the load weighed about 1,000 tons. Because of its sheer size, executing this project required a project-based approach.

Securing steel tubes in ship
To secure the cargo on board the ship, various techniques of lashing & securing were applied. For instance, wooden structures were made so that the tubes could be sea-worthily secured. This process is the blocking out of the cargo, where the tubes are blocked by the wood and thus secured. The wood is located between, under and on the sides of the cargo. In addition, the top layer of the cargo is secured by welding straps. With this technique, the cargo is sea-worthily secured and there is no possibility of shifting.
After our specialists had secured the steel pipes seaworthy by means of timber structures and welding straps, the ship was ready to leave for England. The pipes arrived safely at their destination and will be used in port construction.

Secure your cargo on board a ship seaworthy?
Do you ship cargo regularly or do you have a one-off project? Bode Packaging is ready for anyone to secure cargo sea-worthily using lashing & securing techniques. Thanks to our many years of experience, we are able to advise you on the execution of securing. Feel free to ask about our possibilities or request a quote without any obligations.